Great Wall Hydraulic Oil Replacement | Where to Buy Great Wall Oil

Great Wall replacement oil for the United States marketplace is under the brand Sinopec. Shop for Great Wall replacement lubricant products online at 

L-HM VG 15; 22; 32; 46; 68; 100; 150 are designed for application in heavy loaded drive and hydraulic control systems. L-HM are formulated on the base of deeply refined, dewaxed and hydrorefined mineral oils received from crude oil refining. The oils contain a properly selected package of anticorrosion, anti-oxidation and lubrication additives as well as de-emulsifying and antifoam attributes. Hydraulic oils L-HM are applied in heavy loaded power transmission systems as well as drive and hydraulic control systems.


Specifications, classifications: - ISO VG 15; 22; 32; 46; 68; 100; 150 - DIN HLP (DIN 51524), DIN 51517 CL, DIN 51517 Cz3 CLP - ISO-L-HM,